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What's new at Kriya?

July 14, 2021
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We’ve been busy taking the friction out of business finance. Read all about our latest tech updates and cash flow solutions for small businesses.

We’ve been busy taking the friction out of business finance. Read all about our latest tech updates and cash flow solutions for small businesses.

What's new at Kriya? we understand the stresses and frustrations that small businesses go through every day. While we can’t fix everything, we can give you the financial firepower you need to supercharge your cash flow. We believe strongly that the more time you save on admin and finance-related tasks, the more hours you can pour into your business. And that’s exactly where your time should go.

Over the last ten years, we’ve offered quick and easy business finance to more than 3,000 small businesses across the country. As technology has advanced, we’ve made our own continuous improvements too. We’re excited to share some of the upgrades and new funding solutions we’ve introduced recently. Each one is designed to give our customers the quickest and easiest business finance on the market.

1. New and improved Kriya account

Before we get to the new types of funding on offer, let’s start with the basics. We’ve just launched our new and improved Kriya account. With everything from your repayment information and available balances to application progress updates now in one place, funding your business has never been more frictionless.

What’s so special about an updated Kriya account? It’s our one-stop shop that goes beyond simply showing you what you already have. Here’s what our customers can explore when they log in:

  • A single view of all their solutions and key information
  • Seamless navigation to each solution dashboard
  • Easy oversight of available funds and upcoming repayments
  • Access to new solutions tailored to their needs
  • Application tracking and progress notifications

We’re really proud of these exciting new features – take a peek at the image below to see it for yourself. If you’re already a customer then all you need to do to access your new and improved Kriya account is simply log in here as normal. It’s ready and waiting for you.

2. Flex loans

Our latest financial tool is a flex loan. It gives SMEs flexible access to funds whenever they need an instant cash injection. But this isn’t a loan as you know it – we think of it as working capital on demand.

This solution works a bit like a credit card or overdraft. With a flex loan, you get an agreed limit between £5,000 and £100,000 that you can tap into as and when you please. You could withdraw the whole amount at once, or access smaller amounts only when you want to.

Our flexible terms allow you to choose a repayment schedule that works for you and the needs of your business. Your available balance will adjust automatically to reflect how much you’ve withdrawn versus how much you’ve repaid, so you can withdraw a flex loan multiple times. And best of all, you only ever pay for the funds you use.

You can get even more out of a flex loan by using it alongside your existing finance solutions. If you’ve already got an invoice finance facility or a larger business loan, a flex loan can be used to manage your smaller, more regular operational costs. Its flexible nature makes it a handy tool for costs like supplier orders, covering salaries and warehouse payments.

3. The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS)

The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) is worth exploring if you’ve had to shift the way you do business to get through the past 16 months. This new government-backed scheme is designed to accelerate your post-pandemic recovery so you can focus on the future. Eligible small businesses can use an RLS loan to help cover any pandemic-related costs.

Under the scheme, the government backs 80% of your loan. This means your fees stay low and finance is made available to more businesses. We’ve applied for accreditation to deliver quick and easy funding through the scheme.

In short, an RLS loan is a fast and affordable cash injection to help you fund the changes you need to make over the coming months. That could be investing in better warehouse space, hiring new people to drive your next project or funding some overdue R&D. As we get through summer and further easing of restrictions, it will be a vital tool for many ambitious small businesses.

An opportunity to make the most of

With the country feeling more open and enjoying a better recovery than expected, right now is an important time to think about the future. For a lot of businesses, the funding opportunities available will make a big difference to their post-pandemic success.

We’re committed to supporting the 6 million hardworking SMEs that are the backbone of our economy. Whether your finance needs are to do with regular cash flow or funding your next stage of growth, we’re here to help. And a big part of that is removing the admin headache and delays that get in the way of driving your business forward.

B2B Payments to boost your growth

To learn more about our payments and digital trade credit solutions book a call with us today.
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