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2016 customer success stories

January 10, 2017
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We’re very proud to have played a part in the success of thousands of UK companies over the years. Here are just a few 2016 success stories from our customers.

We’re very proud to have played a part in the success of thousands of UK companies over the years. Here are just a few 2016 success stories from our customers.

We’re very proud to have played a part in the success of thousands of UK companies over the years. Due to our ongoing help with their funding needs, many of our customers have gone on to grow their businesses exponentially, or even sold their business.

Here are just a few success stories from our customers that went from strength to strength in 2016:


WAYN (Where Are You Now?), the social travel network, sold to travel giant They are the world’s largest travel and lifestyle social media platform with over 20 million registered users worldwide.

How we helped: Before they were acquired by WAYN came to Kriya in 2015, having evaluated some other providers on the market. They loved that we were able to support their international debtors and the ease with which they were able to manage their cash flow.

Jerome Touze, Co Founder and COO of WAYN said on Trustpilot: “Kriya is a great platform for those organisations looking to tap into cash quicker. The process is very straight forward and their Account Managers are very professional and always on point to assist. Kriya was a key tool for us before we got acquired.” is a leading digital and social publisher and has the biggest sports page on Facebook, with over 25 million fans. The sporting news and content portal will be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and Nasdaq QX after merging with Breaking Data Corp, a Canadian AI company.

How we helped: Prior to raising equity, GiveMeSport regularly financed large invoices for their global tech parters like Facebook and Google through our platform, enabling them to accelerate their growth much more quickly.

Big Change Apps

Big Change Apps – a Leeds-based mobile workforce management company, won KPMG’s best mobile startup award and grew its business by over 80%.

How we helped: Martin Port, CEO of Big Change Apps said “Their technology works so well and cuts out all the manual processes. We have been with Kriya for approaching 12 months and would highly recommend them.”

B2B Payments to boost your growth

To learn more about our payments and digital trade credit solutions book a call with us today.
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