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Business Development at Kriya: Marina Yakas

September 6, 2017
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Meet the Business Development Exec who is helping UK SMEs understand invoice finance and access business finance.

Meet the Business Development Exec who is helping UK SMEs understand invoice finance and access business finance.

What is your role and what does it involve?

I am a Business Development Executive and my main role is to generate and qualify new business leads for our Funding Specialists. I also spend a fair bit of time training as the role is all about developing people into more senior sales roles.

What are some of the challenges you are facing?

One of the first challenges I had to overcome was getting through to the right person to have a conversation with. Firstly, to see if they had a need for business finance and secondly, whether there was a potential fit between our business and theirs.

Sometimes we find that people aren’t very familiar with how invoice finance works so it’s really important that we can explain it clearly and that our introduction is absolutely spot on. There are also times where you might make 60-80 calls a day and not get anywhere – that’s when you need to be resilient and stay motivated. But we’ve had some great wins as a team, and there is very inclusive and supportive atmosphere.

What have you enjoyed about working at MI so far?

I love the people. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly and as the company is not too big at the moment, you get to know everyone fairly quickly. I also love the culture of flexibility, when it comes to using the teams varied skills. I come from a marketing background so I was able to help the marketing department with email campaigns which was great.

What kind of person is going to be successful in a role like yours at MI?

When developing your sales skills having resilience and motivation is definitely key, but I think it’s more important to have confidence in yourself and your work, as that will help hugely. When you’re selling a product over the phone, the customer has to know that the product will help them and that the conversation you’re about to have with them is important. This only really comes from confidence in yourself and the product.

Finally, you need to have a good work ethic. Everyone in the Sales team works really hard and takes their job seriously but we also know how to have a laugh and enjoy it at the same time.

What are you hoping to achieve in the future at Kriya?

Oh great question… I’d like to develop my sales skills and progress into a senior sales role within Kriya with a good understanding of all of our current and future products. I also love to travel so should Kriya expand and go global I’d love to be a part of that and set up an office abroad.

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