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Industry Insights

Celebrating the best of 2016

January 8, 2017
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2016 was a great year for Kriya and also for many of our customers. Here’s a few things we’re most proud of and what we’re looking forward to in 2017.

2016 was a great year for Kriya and also for many of our customers. Here’s a few things we’re most proud of and what we’re looking forward to in 2017.

2016 was a great year for Kriya and also for many of our customers. Here’s a round-up of the things we’re most proud of, and some of the things we’re looking forward to in 2017.

Back in June, we secured £7.2 million in funding, led by MCI capital. This significant investment means that we are able to expand our range of services, offering funding to even more businesses across new and growing sectors. The first of these new services will be available to customers by the end of January 2017 – watch this space!

We reached, and surpassed, the landmark of £1 billion worth of invoices funded through our platform. As well as being a huge milestone for us, this means that we’ve helped thousands of business owners across the UK achieve their growth ambitions. We’re proud to be supporting thriving British businesses and we’ve got big plans to extend funding to even more companies in 2017.

In 2016, we entered into some exciting new partnerships with local council organisations. Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership and West Oxfordshire District Council now fund local businesses through our platform. Alongside our existing partnership with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, these new agreements mean we’re helping to fuel small business growth across the UK, and we hope this is just the beginning.

We moved to Shoreditch! It’s the hub of London’s tech and startup scene and many of our customers call it home. Back in October we celebrated everything that Shoreditch has to offer by inviting local business founders round to our place to network and discuss their experiences.

Check out our video of the event below:

2016 was also a great year for many of our customers. Why not check out our latest customer success stories.

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