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Kriya Knowledge Centre

Invoice finance

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We take a brief look at what a debenture is, how they work and what they mean for your company.

A look at how business credit cards compare to invoice finance as a source of working capital.

A look at what an overdraft is and how it compares to invoice finance as a source of working capital.

Comparing the best factoring companies

Debt factoring is now widely used by many companies to ease cash flow. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using this service.

Our guide on what the differences and similarities are between invoice factoring and invoice discounting

We take a look at what is selective invoice discounting is and how it might help businesses

Find out what invoice discounting is, how it works and a brief look at what some of the other types of invoice finance.

Invoice trading platforms allow businesses to sell individual invoices in order to free up cash, to an online community of investors. The concept takes the principle of peer-to-peer lending and applies it to invoice finance.

A look at what spot factoring is, how it works, the advantages and disadvantages.

A look at what factoring is, how it works, the advantages and disadvantages, and a glossary of terms commonly used in factoring.

Invoice factoring

Find out what invoice finance is, how it works and and its advantages and disadvantages.