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Engineering at Kriya: Carla Caldarola

August 24, 2018
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As an engineer, I get to do a little bit of everything. Propose improvements, work on new features and support existing ones. Everyday is very different!

What is your role here and what does it involve?

I am an engineer which is a role that I love because I get to do a little bit of everything. Propose improvements, work on new features and support existing ones. So everyday is very different and I enjoy that a lot.

What were you doing before this and what made you decide to join Kriya?

Before this, I was working at a big multinational company (in the agricultural industry) as an engineer. I was looking for a change. I wanted to start learning more about the thriving Fintech sector which I find very exciting. One of the reasons I decided to join Kriya is that it has a fast-paced working environment that you wouldn’t find in a big multinational corporation. Additionally, I get to work closely with everyone in the company, so I can learn a lot about people from a variety of backgrounds, nationalities and expertise.

Joining Kriya meant a move from Argentina to the UK for you. Tell us about your experience of London and the tech scene here so far.

It was a big change for me but I fell in love with London in the first week. The tech scene is spectacular! This is a growing city where you can find a wide variety of startups, big corporations and everything in between. UK startups are attracting more venture capital funding than ever before. Seven out of Europe’s top ten VC funds are based in the UK because they want to get a slice of the country’s growing startups. It’s really amazing.

What projects have you been working on since joining? Share some of the best and most challenging aspects of being involved in those.

I think the most exciting project is my current one: the Barclays Partner Portal. This partnership is a real game changer, so working on this core project is great given the impact. The most challenging thing about it would probably be working on tight schedules and having a lot of stakeholders (both internal and external), which can be tricky to handle.

What does success mean to you?

For me success can be measured in many ways. It can be looking back at the work we’ve done and being really proud of what we’ve accomplished. It can be knowing that I am learning something new everyday (#AlwaysBeLearning), or it can be doing what I love and enjoy so much. Not knowing what day of the week it is because you really enjoy what you do – that is success for me.

Any advice for other women thinking of a career in engineering?

If you’re thinking of becoming an engineer, don’t hesitate. It’s a really great career! You get to build things from scratch and make other people’s lives easier with your work. There is no limit to what engineers can do. If you think about it, almost every aspect of our lives has somehow been influenced by engineers. Another exciting reason is that as a computer engineer, you can never get bored. You can reinvent yourself and switch fields, for example by learning more about data science, automation or building your own search engine. Whatever you want, you can build it. What is most important is that you get to help people with the work you do everyday.

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